Personality development seminars and a personal development program from Dan Pena

In this newsletter, there is write-up of a host of personality development seminars and a personal development program. The details are carried out in this newsletter and will also be seen on the Dan Pena website as well. The upcoming two Castle Events will be featured here and it will also talk of the various QLA devotees and partner scheduled to be there.

After a two and a half year layoff Dan Pena has decided to start the 3-day Quantum Leap Advantage Castle Experience seminars again. After making a leadership speech across the world and taking part in seminars and workshops, Dan’s favourite is the Castle Experience. In fact, Dan urges readers to work toward their dream and passion which is a storybook ambience.

Most of the material developed for this personality development seminars and personal development program is timeless and these are available for sale. The format would for the June 3 day and 4 night seminars will be devoted to, 1 day basic QLA, 1 day Raising Capital and 1 day Deal Making and Acquisitions.

Dan thanks followers for their perseverance to hold these seminars at Guthrie which otherwise would not have happened! He is also very happy and satisfied to hear from many who have encouraged him to back a comeback to the seminar pulpit!

This newsletter deals with the personality development seminars where attendees can build a personal model for success. There are various illustrations that clearly describe how some of the attendees have benefited!


6th February 2004

From Dan Peña – Executive Coach and Mentor to the High Performer.

Dear Friend and Subscriber,


Soon there will be a new "Seminar" page on the Dan Peña website. It will feature seminar schedules, topics and the salient points covered. It will also have words, phrases and comments for the day, week or month as I think of them. I am sure you will be able to benefit. The upcoming two Castle Events will be featured. It will also relate which QLA devotee and partner is scheduled to be there.

As I have written in recent issues of my newsletter, I decided after a 21/2 year layoff to give the 3-day Quantum Leap Advantage Castle Experience seminars again. As many of you know I gave seminars, workshops and keynote speeches spreading the QLA word, all around the world from 1993 to 2001. But my favourite has always been the Castle Experience. For those of you that have been here – you know why!

I start these seminars by saying; Guthrie Castle is the perfect metaphor for "Yesterdays’ Dreams are Today’s Realities". This was my dream!

Whatever your dream and passion there is no better place to launch, or re-launch your dream than Guthrie Castle. Countless Castle attendees have initiated their search for personal success here. As the photos on my web sites, and show, the storybook ambiance is unparalleled.

Whilst listening to the QLA, Raising Capital and Deal Making and Acquisitions tapes to prepare for the upcoming seminar, I was struck by how the product material is so timeless. In fact I have decided to sell (to my newsletter subscribers only) the "Raising Capital" and "Deal Making and Acquisitions" tapes for �195 instead of �357. You really need to have these so you can listen to them regularly! If I still get benefit, just imagine what good they will do you! (email for details)

The April and June 3 day and 4 night seminars will be devoted to, 1 day basic QLA, 1 day Raising Capital and 1 day Deal Making and Acquisitions. This associated product is outstanding. I had forgotten how great it truly is! The only way to get a better emersion is to hear me in person. Though virtually all successful QLA devotees say, you also need the product to get additional doses of Dan to continue to replicate the QLA methodology till it’s part of you. And as I have written some have actually worn the tapes out – which we replace free of charge. There is a direct relationship to those that live QLA and their personal success.

I had thought my message could continue to help people without me personally giving seminars. I WAS WRONG! And I am very happy for those of you that continued to ask, "When is Dan giving another seminar?" Without your perseverance me returning, to give seminars at Guthrie would not have happened! It is very gratifying to hear from many of you thanking me for coming back to the seminar pulpit!
Interfacing with seminar attendees gives me great satisfaction. Helping them build their own personal model for success is extremely fulfilling. I have shared a number of e-mails with you over the years. Sometimes I have to drag them across the goal line and sometimes all they need is a gentle shove.

As hard as many seminar attendees believe I am – often whilst reading e-mails from you brings goose bumps, a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye. The short story that follows did all three!

I am reminded of a student mentee who stuttered badly when he came to one of my seminars in the mid 90’s. That same young man 2 years later won a US Kodak-University competition by giving a speech and power point presentation to an audience of 2,000 without a hitch. That day, truly, my cup runnith over! He later went into the priesthood. He said learning to be articulate made him realize his real talent was being an "excellent listener". I helped him learn that the basis of all high performance people is self-esteem and self-concept!

This is just one of the countless stories I count as my track record as a "Personal Development Success Coach". Though most of the accolades I have received have been as a business coach and creating wealth, I have always known many benefit from QLA in countless other ways. I believe I have had success in this arena as well, because I have had 10’s of thousands of meetings and conversations, all over the world in 5 separate decades. These countless encounters have allowed me to understand what people wanted for themselves. Whether it is conscious or not we all want to be – ALL WE CAN BE! And to be all you can be you must "LIVE LIFE ON PURPOSE". It sounds corny, but positive self-esteem was meant for everyone! Some use it to create monetary wealth and some use it to create emotional wealth, i.e. Priesthood, Teachers, Social Workers to name a few.

A number of you have asked what the 3-day, Guthrie Castle Experience includes other than sumptuous food, drink and accommodation! Here are the salient points we will cover in April and June:
QLA Overview
. Who am I? Redefine goals
. Your doubts are not products of accurate thinking, but habitual thinking
. What it means to be super successful. Laser beam focus
. Preparing for your Quantum Leap (15 keys)
. Achieving your Quantum Leap (8 power strategies)
. Cashing in on your success

. How to find an industry?
. How to find targets within your industry?
. How the internet has made the process easier and harder?
. How to make a first impression?
. How to expand your Dream Team?
. How to set up a system to get paid?
. How to structure professional fees?
. How to set up and conduct the first meeting? Second?
. How to proceed to reviewing financials?
. How to create deal flow?
. How to determine if the deal is hot?
. How to conduct due diligence?
. How to make an offer?
. How to tie up the deal?
. How to finance the deal?
. How to do the next deal?
. Role play using attendees own deals.

. Dispelling myths
. Rules of the Game – there aren’t any!
. How the internet has made the process easier and harder.
. Role playing
. Forms of Finance
. Fundamentals of finance
. How to locate successful financing?
. How to interview financial institutions?
. Business Plans – Do’s and Don’ts
. How to create/project the right perception?
. How to create an instant track record?
. How to present to the financial institutions?
. How to always position to go public – even if you don’t?
. How to leverage banks against each other?
. How to choose between IPO’s and Private Placements?
. When to use Investment Banks, Venture Capitalists, brokers, private equity providers, and others?
. How to understand the various tools of finance?
. Unsecured vs. secured debt
. How to see the red flags early?
. Advanced role playing
. Evaluation of business plans of attendees
. How to avoid subsequent litigation by positioning yourself for it?
. Analytical model for calculating debt required
. Most common financial follies
. How not to take rejection from bankers, investors too seriously?
. Financial misconceptions

To Your Quantum Leap,


P.S. Remember, "Dreams come true with Low Interest Rates!"
P.P.S. Some of the topics that have been suggested for further seminars are:

1. Doing international business
2. How making money in a down-market differs from an up-market?
3. Interpreting the strategic vector
4. Trials and Tribulations of the Venture Capital world: interviewing VC’s – do’s and don’ts
5. How to find deals? Setting up your model.
6. What deals are hot and what are not?
7. Litigation – the sword and the shield of a high performer!
8. QLA to build self esteem and self concept and overcoming fear of failure; that which does not kill me makes me stronger
9. QLA – Leadership and motivation of others

I am reviewing all of these and a few others, but 2 or 3 of them certainly look, feel and sound hotter than others. Of course as you will read a number of the topics suggested are covered in the 3-day castle experience. I would be interested in further input.